As an extension to the Year 11 Outdoor Education course, students are given the opportunity to attend a two night, three day camp at Rottnest Island. The Rottnest camp allows students to practice the skills learnt in class during the year and form a basis for their major assessment.

Students’ organisational skills are put to the test during their pre-expedition planning and budgeting constraints. They also learn to take into consideration the equipment required such as; clothing, cooking utensils, food, weather predictions and management, first aid, energy requirements and minimal impact practices.
Rottnest is a wonderful learning environment which offers many activities. Students are involved in; mountain bike riding, orienteering (night and day), snorkeling, camping, beach combing activities, eco jet boat, fishing, and a variety of group games and tasks.

Further information in regards to the Rottnest camp or Outdoor Education courses can be sought by contacting Renea Mayer on 9331 9616 or on